We all want to look our best. What do you do if your hair doesn’t look right? It is a no brainer –  you book an appointment with a hairdresser. But what about clothes and personal style and creating a wardrobe that is easy, stylish and effortless?  I think you agree with me, that  you are here because you  want or need to  LOOK YOUR BEST!


You don’t  know HOW TO DRESS to achieve it or have time to figure it out!! Or maybe, you find your body shape tricky and are not sure how to work around it? Or  you simply need to create a wardrobe that doesn’t require too much thinking in the morning but allows you to look smart every day.


You have to decide what you want:






It turns out, it is easier than you think and there are 3 WAYS TO DO IT:

  1. You can learn about it from a  90-minute Video Call Style Consultation available for women and men. ( including Saturdays and occasional Sundays). After that, you will be equipped to take action yourself or might decide to book a Shopping Trip with me anyway.
  2. You let me help you with your style and wardrobe by taking you on a SHOPPING TRIP IN THE CITY OR CHERMSIDE or doing your WARDROBE ASSESSMENT . If you think you need both, we will start with doing a thorough 3 HOURS Wardrobe Assessment followed by a Shopping Trip on a  few days later.
  1. You can get  my comprehensive E-BOOK that is corresponding to your body shape (for women) or lifestyle ( for men).  It includes your KEY  WARDROBE STAPLES,  flattering colours, examples of COMPLETE OUTFITS,  accessories and much more. This book will teach you that less is more and there is nothing worse than having an overblown wardrobe that is hard to mix and match. Minimum amount of the right key pieces that  give you maximum amount of variations is the way to go!! Honestly –  if it’s not in this book, you don’t really need it!;))


Whatever you choose , my promise to you is that there is nothing to fear  and it’s easier than you think. I am here to help and work with you.

Mostly, it  all comes down to these 4 SIMPLE STEPS
– understanding your body shape
– knowing what the right key wardrobe staples are and making sure they pop up in your wardrobe!!
-knowing  your flattering colours

-learning how to accessorise

The bottom line is, YOU HAVE TO MAKE THE FIRST STEP.

Can’t wait to help you!;)



Masha Bowran

Personal Stylist , Style Refiner and Style Educator

School of Style