Different stylists have very different ideas on how many body types there are. But what I understood through my own experience, having too many body types are just adding to the confusion that many women already have about their body shape. Why to look at a Column and Rectangle as 2 separate  body types when all a Column is a tall and slim Rectangle? My intention is to simplify the enormous amount of various female body shapes and take the stress out of the process and learning what works best for each of them.

One of the things I am most proud of as a Personal Stylist is writing 2 Body Shape E-Books for 5 Body Types. I have put together my decade-long experience of styling women of different shapes and sizes into these books. And deliberately separated all shapes only into 5 types and 2 books.


1. An Hourglass

2 . A Pear

3. A Rectangle

4. An Inverted Triangle

5. An Apple

Click here for pictures 2. 5 BASIC BODY SHAPE


  1. An Hourglass and a Pear
  2. A Rectangle, Inverted Triangle and Apple

As you can see from the E-Book covers below.


As you know now  ALL WOMEN can be divided into ONLY 5 of these body types regardless of their age and size. I also discovered that these 5 types can be divided into 2 main BODY GROUPS  or E- Books. Why is this? Because THE MAIN PRINCIPLES AND RULES OF DRESSING for them will be THE SAME OR VERY SIMILAR. This is another key. Once you understand the advantages and also what we call “disadvantages” of  YOUR BODY GROUP or category you will understand how to dress for other body shapes. It particularly makes sense  as women can shift from one shape to another as we lose or gain weight, but we never shift from one body group or category to another. This is one of the most important discoveries I made working with many women. For example a Pear can turn into an Hourglass if she looses weight and vice versa. But a Pear can never turn into an Apple or Inverted Triangle.

All of it came about through the sheer requirement or demand that I have placed on myself as a Personal Stylist. I am meeting all kinds of women that are complete strangers to me initially and have to SHOW THEM how to dress to look their best. Most of the time I only have a couple of pictures of these women before seeing them for the first time. Sometimes I  meet someone first when doing a Wardrobe Assessment at their house, so I know their body shape and size.  This usually makes  shopping and styling easier for me.

So the books came about because I had TO KNOW AND UNDERSTAND WHAT TO DO with different body shapes VERY FAST. I had to have a foundation or basis on which I could build wardrobes for my clients. I also wanted this foundation to be my OWN VISION on what style and successful wardrobe is. And the last but not least,  I want to give women space to express your own uniqueness and individuality through their outfits without me being a Style Dictator!! So the basic knowledge that you  receive from me, can be applicable to your  own lifestyle and taste.


To start understanding how to make the most of your body shape and other unique features  choose the book that corresponds  with your BODY GROUP. Even if you are not sure exactly whether you are a Rectangle or an Inverted Triangle, you know which book will be useful for you because these 2 shapes are grouped into one category.


There are 9 chapters in the books but 2 of the most important  are :



The key wardrobe staples will be very specific to YOUR SHAPE but they are not specific to your age, weight or lifestyle as this is very personal and unique in each case. So your job while reading the book is to pay attention to the specifics of STYLE AND CUT of clothes and TO CHOOSE  from these wardrobe pieces what will be the MOST APPROPRIATE AND ESSENTIAL FOR YOU.

The books are  full of pictures but are clear and precise. They are designed to be on your phone or other electronic device so you can refer to them any time you need. Usually when going shopping or creating an outfit. The BODY SHAPE E-BOOKS  are also great and original gifts as well as a foundation for any stylist-to-be.

Enjoy reading and learning! 🙂

TO BUY a Book click below.


To BOOK  a one-on-one Body Shape and Colour Consultation, click here.


With Love,

Masha Bowran. XXX